MPAA Shut down Kodi Covenant Addon Repository After Threatens Developer JSergio123

MPAA Shut down Kodi Covenant Addon Repository After Threatens Developer JSergio123


KODI Users have lost the use of Covenant, Bennu and DeathStreams,  displeased to hear that the Colossus repository has been shut down, from what we heard that jsergio123 was threatened by the MPAA. He was told to immediately cease Kodi addon development.

Who is jsergio123

In case you don’t know jsergio123, he’s part of the Colossus group, he wasn’t actually contributing to the development of allegedly infringing Kodi add-ons such as Covenant, Bennu, DeathStreams and Sportie.



The tweet came in as a shock to many as the covenant addon was to replace the old Kodi Exodus addon and Kodi Bennu addon was to replace the old Kodi Phoniex Addon.

What is the replacement 3rd party addon to take cover covenant place?

As I have released the other day, the addon to replace the covenant was KODI Fantastic Addon, and with the news that TV Addon will continue URL Resolver as per below.

As for URLResolver development, TV ADDONS has been distributing URLResolver. We plan on continuing to provide updates at our URLResolver Development GitHub page.



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