Faculty APK 2019 AIO MOVIES IPTV SPORTS – All in one APK for Android Devices
Faculty APK is an Android APK that is an all-in-one or AIO, application with full sources for movies, live sports, cartoons, IPTV, and more. With scvrapping sources from around the World Wide Web, Faculty APK is worth checking out on your Android TV box.
APK Contents
Faculty Apk – One Location for Movies, TV Shows & Live TV: We all love watching movies. Similarly, we all have a favorite TV Show which we never miss to watch. Plus, the situation becomes more like a stadium itself at home when a live cricket match is going on. Of course, we can’t carry our television everywhere so we carry different applications for each in our Android mobile/ tablets. But, carrying different applications for each type of content is also a hassle.
Facualty is a One Stop single app which integrates movies, TV shows and live TV within it. The app is named as ‘Faculty’ and supports all Android devices like mobiles, tablets, Smart TVs, Fire Stick and Fire TV. (P.S. DO not use Emulator with this APK as It did not work for me )
The Faculty APK Android App is for all types of content, from movies and live TV to sports and IPTV. It is a nice source for new movies but an even source for live IPTV content scraped from the public internet.
When launching Faculty APK, you’ll see a selection of new movies to search through. Pulling open the side menu provides more options such as:
- Latest Movies
- Top IMDB
- Animated
- Specific Channels
- IPTV Sports
IPTV / Live Sports
The IPTV Lists is listed under Live Sports, The contents changes but I posted an image of what was showing at the time of writing this article
Video Guide
Watch me using the APK on my Android phone
Click here to download or
Use this url to download it manually with your device www.husham.com/facultyapk