How to Install Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon

How to Install Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon

The following step-by-step guide will show you how to install Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon.

Black Lightning is a video addon located within the cMaN Repository, which contains some popular builds like Movie Time and cMaNoX.

Prior to using this add-on, you must have a Real-Debrid account. Refer to our guide below for how to sign up and more information on the service.

What is Real-Debrid & How to Setup on Kodi 19 Matrix

We also provide Real-Debrid integration steps after installing the add-on.

This addon is working extremely well on streaming devices including the Amazon Firestick, Fire TV, NVIDIA Shield, MECOOL Box, Chromecast, and more.

Black Lightning contains a smooth interface with several categories, while also pulling in high-quality Real-Debrid links.

For these reasons and more, Black Lightning can be found within our list of Best Kodi 19 Matrix Addons.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Black Lightning uses torrent links for streaming. Therefore, using a VPN is a must when viewing the content within the addon.

Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon Installation Guide

  • Launch Kodi 19 Matrix
  • Click the settings icon
  • Hover over Add-ons menu item and turn on Unknown sources if not already on
  • Click back on remote to go back to the System page
  • Select File Manager
  • Type the following URL exactly how it is listed here – and click OK

Note: The referenced link is the official URL of this app/addon.

  • Highlight the box under the source that you just typed in and enter a name for this media source, type “cman” or any other name you would like to identify this source as, and click OK  again
  • Click your back button on the remote or keyboard until you are back on the System screen
  • Choose Add-ons
  • Click Install from zip file
  • Choose cman or another name you assigned the media source in the previous step
  • Click the zip file URL –
  • Wait for the “cMaN’s Wizard Repository Add-on installed” message to appear
  • Click Install from repository
  • Choose cMaN’s Wizard Repository
  • Wait for the Black Lightning Add-on installed message to appear
  • Return back to the home screen of Kodi 19 Matrix and select Add-ons
  • Then click Black Lightning
  • That’s it! You have successfully installed the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon


How to Integrate Real-Debrid

As mentioned previously, Black Lightning is for Real-Debrid users only. Follow the quick steps below to integrate Real-Debrid within this add-on.

1. First you must register for a Real-Debrid account if you don’t have one already.

2. Launch the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon.

3. Scroll down and select Settings.

4. Within the Debrid menu on the left, scroll down and select Re-auth Real Debrid.

5. This screen will appear. Write down the code provided.

6. Open an Internet browser on another device and go to

7. Enter in the provided code from Step 6 and click Continue.

8. Your Real-Debrid application is now approved!

9. That’s it! You should notice an OK message in the top right after integrating Real-Debrid within the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon.


Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon Description & Details

Black Lightning contains a simple interface with a variety of categories to choose from.

The categories available within this addon include Movie World, TV World, Trakt World, Search, Settings, My RD History, and more.

After making a content selection you will notice many Real-Debrid links provided are from torrent sources.

This means you will want to ensure your VPN is on when streaming with Black Lightning.

For more Real-Debrid options, we suggest viewing our resource article below.

Best Apps & Addons for Real-Debrid

Also, be sure to check out our popular guides for even more streaming options!

Give the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon a try today!

Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon FAQ

Is the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix Addon legal?

Yes. It is not illegal to install and use this Kodi 19 Matrix add-on. However, what you access after you have installed this add-on may be illegal. Always use a VPN as outlined on this page so you can use Kodi 19 Matrix add-ons anonymously.

Should I use a VPN with the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix addon?

A VPN such as IPVanish is always encouraged when installing any 3rd party Kodi 19 Matrix addons and repositories. This will ensure your privacy and anonymity when streaming.

Can the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix addon be installed on Husham Android BOX?

Yes you can.

Can the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix addon be installed on NVIDIA Shield?

Yes you can

Can the Black Lightning Kodi 19 Matrix addon be installed on firestick?

Yes. you can install in firestick

What's the difference between a Kodi 19 Matrix addon and a Kodi 19 Matrix repository?

A repository is a file that stores numerous Kodi 19 Matrix addons and more for installation. Usually you are required to install a repository to install a Kodi 19 Matrix addon or build.

What's the difference between a Kodi 19 Matrix addon and a Kodi 19 Matrix build?

You can think of a Kodi 19 Matrix build as a bundle of the best add-ons, repositories, and a customized skin that you can install with one click.