How to install XTream Kodi Addon 2019
With XStream Addon you can watch live TV on your KODI right now using any IPTV subscription. Cutting the cord as per most users advise, that it is a good way to try to enjoy live TV. Please note that with most of the UK on RED alert on LIVE TV if you are watching any live TV in the UK it is good for you then to get your self a VPN.
So weather you have a live TV service for your APK or your TV, then you are bound to have a user id and a password for it to work for KODI, you can ask your providers if they have that or even refger them to this article for them to catch up, usually this means any one that has M3u and running Xtreme server as their IPTV server then you can use the addon.
If your provider has a support ticket system then you can go to the support page and click on my iptv service and check it out, you will be able to get your user name and password from over that section at any time by looking over either user name and password or the prposed M3u Link
Best IPTV Companies Lists
Most of the new IPTV are now able to be accessed with the XTream KODI Addon, Here are the recommeneded list of IPTV services you can use with your XTream KODI Addon
Best IPTV Recommended List below,
- USA – Playersklub
- USA – ViewJunky
- USA – ViewJunky
- UK – ViewJunky
- Arabic – Rambo IPTV
- Indian TV – ViewJunky
any other that is not in the list could be either I didnt test it yet with the addon or just plain bad at their service desk. Leave me a comment down below and I will comment on my feeling on them and I will even update the list if we think they are good.
XStream Addon 2019 Addon Update
The new Xtream Addon update was issued by user that submited the update to Website with the word (Modified version with Series support linked at my name.)
The Latest version is updated PimkPuma. Thanks you for the great effort.
How to Install XStream Addon Kodi
If you are interested in adding this to your Kodi library, you can follow the step by step instructions given below
- Â Â Open Kodi.
- Â Â Home Screen
-  Select Settings ButtonÂ
-  Click on File ManagerÂ
-  Select Add Source
-  Type the following exactly
-  Select the highlighted box underneath and type Husham Repo
-  Select OK
- Back to Kodi Home Screen
- Select Addons
- Select the Addon Browser button
- Click on Install from zip file.
- Select the Husham Repo
- Select
- Wait for the notification message on your device the husham repo is installed
- Select Install from Repository
- Open the The Husham Repo
- Select Video Addons
- Select XStream
- Now select Install.
- Wait for Addon enabled notification on your screen.