Largest DDOS destroyed all the web

According to reliable sources. The largest DDOS attack has been finally identified and presumably using simple internet protocols that can be easily misunderstood as a normal internet behaviour.

This DDOS was recently used to take credits for hundreds or even thousands of live websites across the entire planet.

And even though some identify the new DDOS as a virus sometimes or even start to activate antivirus and activate DDOS protection.

The attack was unbeatable and unfortunately not many understood how or why nothing can stop it.

The new attack uses HTTP/2.  Protocol used by almost all over the world wide web.

It was first discovered by a Chinese company but it was only rumours and was left as that, only rumours and talks of DDOS which 100% no one believes it.

This was the reason why no one took it seriously and there was no protection by any ISP on the planet that offered a solution.

Almost third of IPTV companies were also attacked and destroyed by this issue which caused a major blow to the IPTV company by allowing several members of that IPTV company to distance themselves form the attacked company

Cloudflare recently offered its customers a protection of sort.

It is still unclear who started this DDOS or how did such vulnerability been on the web for so long and no one believed it even existed.

Some chat groups including discords and Google forums have claimed that this was caused by big corporations, some said it is possible that Disney or FOX was using it. The more credible sources wer indicating that Sony was the first that created or identified this attack and then left the world to figure it out slowly and steadily.

It is highly likely that big corporations been using this method of attack to destroy competitors, however it is unclear or unclaimed yet who was the first that used this attack or even how did come about, but most importantly how did it last so long on the web without anyone known about it.