First Kodi 17 Krypton Release Candidate Is Out, KODI website down – DOWNLOAD LINKS HERE

First Kodi 17 Krypton Release Candidate 1


Finally, RC1 is released for Kodi 17 Krypton Release Candidate 1 (RC 1)  and available to download right now. However, the Website went down as soon as the RC1 was released and no one can access it. Some say it is due to DDOS attack on KODI website and some its just too many people tried to download at the same time from KODI website.  But it could be just as easily a KODI 17 server issue during the process of all the fun that the KODI TEAM is doing, they might just want to do it for the fun of it and restart some servers as they are upgrading the KODI WEBSITE and kodi repository.








Don’t Panic YET

If you are trying to download it then Dont start panicking. We see these happen all the time when a major release gets put forward. Although this one is just RC1 it’s still by far a KODI 17  a step forward from all the recent BETA’s released for KODI 17.


Update – 30/12/2016 – KODI WEBSITE IS BACK UP


The step up to release candidate status is a big one for any developer and shows that the folks behind Kodi are confident that the software now features complete and rid of any show-stopping bugs or issues. The process now remains for fine tuning and minor bug squashing before the final version of Krypton is ready for prime time. When that happens, users have plenty to look forward to trying out.


Downloading KODI 17 RC1

Ok, ok, so the site is down. you still want to download it.. I got you covered.

Download links below

Mirror Sites


Link –

Link –  kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc1.exe


ARM  Links –

ARM  Link –

ARM  Link – kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc1-armea

ARM Link – kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc1-arm64-v8a.apkbi-v7a.apk

x86 Link – kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc1-x86.apk


Link – kodi-17.0-Krypton_rc1-x86_64.dmg


Link – org.xbmc.kodi-ios_17.0-0~rc1_iphoneos-arm.deb

Update – 31/12/2016

KODI has released RC2 now and the links are below

“UPDATE: Due to some packaging problems for Android and initial response we had to do quick bump to RC2 to solve this. If you had downloaded and installed RC1 before 31 December (available from system information) please upgrade to the newer version.”

Windows –  Link 1 – Links 2

Android – ARM-  Link 1 Links 2 ,  ARM64 – Link1Link 2 , X86 – Link 1, Link 2

I am installing KODI 17 now and trying it out. All in all.. seems to be good.

Husham Memar




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