IPTV Returns or is it heading for a new Death DAY!!!!

iptv shutdown returns

IPTV is the most amazing part that has kept most users over in their homes during the COVID Pandemic. IPTV comes in all different shapes and contents. IPTV can come from Companies such as SKY or Virgin or FOX or HBO, or as simple as Youtube TV. IPTV can also come from IPTV companies that are branched form users using Xtreme servers at low price.

It is only two years ago when IPTV companies that were using the Xtream servers were massively recalled, and Mostly were shutdown. This was the Great IPTV SHUTDOWN day that caused 500,000 users across the world were forced to Turn off their Firestick 4k and their NVIDIA Shield and all their Android TV boxes.

MORE IPTV Companies

It might not come to most of you as news that IPTV companies during the pandemic of COVID, are more and more appearing and mostly selling cheap IPTVs at 20 – 30 euro a year, selling all over Ebay, Facebook, DHGATE and many many more.

There are now over 20 New IPTV company starting up every week. selling in locations that you might not have heard about, but same time advertising in Google and Facebook and Twitter and Snapchat and Telegram and more and more social networking systems

Good News Right?

This actually is good news for standard users as they now can shop around for IPTV companies, Unfortunately, it can also be seen as bad news, if you look at the bigger picture.

While it is more than amazing news to see that standard users can now get IPTV at affordable prices but it can also be seen as a problem in the long run.

Just because there is a cheap IPTV, it doesn't mean that these new companies are actually calculating the User to Usage ratio, and most likely we are heading to servers that need to purchase more servers which they can't afford because of their low prices.

New IPTV Companies will be happy to use their same hardware to stream contents for the same amount of users and this will cause a major amount of buffering in the long run.

BIG Companies are fighting back

  • Step 1 – Big companies also started to fight back and the first thing they started is to go to one by one attack and attack IPTV companies, This was an old tactic and it wasn't long until they realised this was a useless tactic and now focusing on step 2 Attack.
  • Step 2 – Big Companies have decided to attack the sources on two fronts,
    • APKs and Torrent Sources –
      • APK – Might have been something that we always knew, and even though this was the same type of attacks that have been done in the past, but they are now throwing more money at APKS shutdown then before.
      • Torrent Sources – Recently been seen as so many torrent sources were shut down completely and now these Torrent sources for IPTV are even been paid to report on other IPTV companies to make a deal to get them out of hot water per se.
    • Internet Service Providers attack – Perhaps one of the most annoying attacks on IPTV for users, This attack is designed to allow users to stop using IPTV by doing again a few steps to stop users using IPTV
      • Throating –
        • Illegal move – Users are paying for Internet Providers now more and more speed but they are not getting their speed – This actually is illegal and they should not be able to do it to users but currently, it is very hard to prove that they are doing it on purpose. This Will cause Buffering.
      • IPTV Stream Block –
        • Internet Service Providers A.K.A ISPs is now monitoring users activities and checking what port or web link to see what is mostly used by a user and trying to target those activities. This will cause Buffering.

Unlawful Behaviour

Having an IPTV company blocked might seem to be unlawful and might actually be something that ISPs should not be doing or causing us to pay more for bandwidth which is useless in the long run, but it is something that is hard to prove that it is been done to users and big companies such as SKY, FOX, HBO and many many others, have basically paid a lot of money to make sure this is undetected practice.

Is IPTV Illegal?

Laws around the world has been placed against IPTV and there is so much different law for every country, It is generally speaking Europ that has caused a big deal about it and it is that the majority of IPTV selling is been done in Europe and mostly in Germany and Netherlands country that the majority of IPTV companies exist.


IPTV has been doomed and gloomed and many have been aware of the situation of the name I.P.T.V as a bad name or scary name but truly IPTV is not generally not wrong, however, IPTV can come in all sort, when an IPTV system takes something without paying legally then IPTV brings the bad names to the other IPTV legitimate companies. This has caused endless users to think of the imaginary fine line that most end users walk these days to use IPTV.