After the last reported IPTV Shutdown news that I reported back last year September 2019. Seemed to have slowed down the merging of new IPTV companies and resulted in 50 Million users worldwide affected with this unfortunate news.

The unfortunate news was due to IPTV Companies had to shut down after they rely on IPTV Platform commonly known as Xtream Code which basically got Shutdown by a big EU police RAID.

After the IPTV Shutdown Date

The IPTV Shut down date took place after the IPTV Shutdown Raid which took down a massive Xtream Code IPTV servers and caused 50 Million users worldwide to lose their IPTV subscription.

The Original thinking that most of these IPTV Companies and IPTV users would lose their connection and bringing them back to such services like Netflix and Amazon Prime at the time.


Not even 1 year after the big Raid took place and all IPTV were shut down. We now have some new IPTV companies back on the scene offering Cheap IPTV such as Sports channels and  Mobies streaming live to most homes internet Providers

I tried to count the number of new IPTV companies, but it was hard. The number of IPTV companies was surprising none of the OLD IPTV companies that were shut down after the police raid in September. In a matter of fact, new and surprising company names have come to the scene.

Who came to the IPTV UPTown Companies.

You would think it was the people that had been shut down that would want to come back to the scene and cause an IPTV Come back and raise them to the IPTV UPown.

However, only a fraction of the old Companies actually came back to the scene and some will not even want to come back. The new companies had surprised me as to whom they would be owned by.

Who made the IPTV UPTown Comeback?

I spoke to several of the new companies and was surprised to see that they all used the same quote.

 ” I was a user subscribed to 2 IPTV companies and they got shut down before August 2019, so I thought I start my own now ” Over 20 of the new companies used these exact or similar words.

” My IPTV got closed so I decided to open one now my own ” Over 10 of the New IPTV companies used these exact words.

” I use to stream sport channels and now I cant so I decided to make a server but then I started selling connections ” Found 5 companies used these exact words

” I was a user but after the shutdown I thought I can make a server and start giving away live tv and let everyone pay for a price of the server” These similar words was used by almost 40 different companies world wide.

” IPTV Shut down killed my connection but there was still chiness companies selling IPTV so I didnt understand why I was paying so much and started my own Server ” 2 companioes used exact / similar words.

It was clear that most of the companies the made it to the IPTV UPTOWN comeback were actually people that were shut down after the police raided there IPTV companies.

so it is unclear as to if killing the pirate IPTV companies did harm the IPTV world for the end-users as users decided to create their own companies.

from 50 Million Users that were offline. to at least 10 % of these users becoming IPTV companies. Which mean we now have 10 to 20 times more IPTV companies in every country worldwide.

Not to mention the IPTV companies from China never did stop as they never did get harmed by the IPTV shutdown and now we have far more IPTV companies then we usually would have.

Is it now Safer than before to join IPTV Companies

Based on the interviews conduced by Husham.com all of the New IPTV companies are just as they are, NEW COMPANIES. It is very hard to assume that these companies would be a good service. A good service need to maintain a company for at least 2 years and have the funding to keep going.

would you trust the new formed IPTV Companies?

I suppose now it’s your turn to answer. Would you join up to the new companies that offer 20 – 30 dollars a year for IPTV to give you your selected IPTV or would you wait it out and see if there are companies that would at least offer a service and servers that stay there for more then 2 years before joining?


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