Replace DREAM TV APK with Titanium APK for Movie TV Shows

Titanium APK Movies and TV shows APK

Dream TV Replacement Titanium APK

Replace DREAM TV APK with Titanium APK for Movie TV Shows

Dream tv APK  is Terrarium Tv clone, This APK very similar to Terrarium and Cyberflix tv, so whether you have used Terrarium or Cyberflix then this APK would had made you more familiar to use.

The difference with Dream TV APK from the other APKs is that it did contains more contents and more sources added, this did come in very handy for users that don't want to use Realdebrid.

The Dream TV Settings gave users access to Realdebrid , Alluc and TrakT also all options for subtitles.

Also, Dream TV was a perfect APK to be used with VPN.

Dream TV Closed Down MessageDream TV APK Movies TV Shows Change Log

The last version released was DREAM TV APK 3.2.17, and it was for the longest time the crowd favourite along side CotoMovies and TV Zion.

And even thopughyou can still download Dream TV and may work, Dream TV has had no update or offical reason why the sudden stop of continuing of updates.

One thing for sure Other APKs have been updated and Dream TV has falling behind, and with the current level of issues that continue, UPDATES to an APK is a must.

So after reciving many users asking me what is the best to replace Dream TV with, I recommend the closes one would be Titanium TV APK.

Titanium APK Movie Firestick Android NVIDIA

Titanium TV APK is a streaming application for movies and tv shows, designed to allow users to watch streaming contents off the web. You can watch Movies and TV Shows using Titanium TV APK.

With the Titanium APK Settings, you can access Realdebrid, AllucTrakT and all options for substitutes as well.

Also, this APK is perfect to be used with VPN as it is a newer version with more sources so it can hide the sources from your internet provider


Titanium APK


Titanium TV APK settings give the options to access many of the streaming features that are available for you to make your experience with movies or Tv shows a family all fun experience

Included in Dream TV are features below

  • Real debrid
  • TrakT
  • Subtitles
  • Streaming HD / 1080 Movies
  • Download HD / 1080 Movies
  • Streaming HD / 1080 TV Shows
  • Download HD / 1080 TV Shows
  • Working with VPN

Change Logs

VERSION 2.0.20 –

  • Fixed some broken providers
  • Added new resolvers
  • Added new providers
  • Optional Logo & Splash Added

Titanium APK

Download Link

Click here to download

or use this link below


See Also

OLA TV 6 PRO APK IPTV for Android Fire Stick NVIDIA Shield(Opens in a new browser tab)

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RedFlix 1.0.10 TV APK IPTV and Movies plus Bollywood(Opens in a new browser tab)

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