New Kodi 19.0 Alpha Arrives — Download it now!
The Kodi Foundation released Kodi 18.0 on the 29th January 2019, it did bring a number of big new features to the hugely popular home theater software, including a new Games area, updated and improved PVR backend clients, and a redesigned Music section.
Not long after KODI 18 Release, Kodi Foundation released Kodi 19.0 Alpha, and today there’s another new release available to install.
Code named M…. ( no actually name been givin yet ) so it might be a little buggy, but I have not encountered problems since installing it this morning.
Kodi 19.0 Alpha 1 is actually intresting as its been stripped down to bear minium of addons and features, hence the feeling this could be buggy at this stage.
Because it’s only just been released there’s also currently no changelog available for the update.
To download Kodi 19.0 Alpha .1, go to the download links below and select your platform of choice and you'll find it under the pre-release tab. For Android and Windows there's an easy-to-use download add-on available in Kodi’s repository.
Download Links
KODI 18 Leia / offical releases Download
To download the final release candidate, click here or type in your browser, select your platform of choice and you'll find it under. For Android and Windows, there's an easy-to-use download add-on available in Kodi’s repository.
KODI 19 code named M…
To Download KODI 19 click here or type in your browser, and select your platform or devce of your choice.For Android and Windows, there's an easy-to-use download add-on available in Kodi’s repository.