The Husham 0.9.5 has been released now.
Background image amended to the one you see in YouTube
Also a startup video is now showing up.
Added more arabic addons to the build
Removed one or two addons that appear to be dead..
Added more repo's so it can be done there
Re-added the specto fork repo as its working now
Made sure LIVE Mix is working on this one
Fixed alarab addon with a modified version from my repo
The Video below still works for this build
you can still download 0.9.4 if you want that KODIÂ build
Video Guides
The one below here is the initial one also
Under System
File manager
Add repo url
Go back to home
Click System
Click Addons
Click Install From zip
Install husham repository
Click Install from repository
Select Husham.com Repository
Select Programs Addons
Select Husham addon wizard
Click Install
Click back or home until you reach to the kodi main home screen
Select programs
Click Husham Addon Wizard
Select the first build showing on top left which should be HUSHAM 0.9.5
And install the build
Very simple 🙂
Husham Memar