
كيف ترى مسلسلات رمضان التلفزيونية – HOW TO WATCH XBMC KODI ARABIC RAMADAN TV SERIES

HOW TO WATCH XBMC KODI ARABIC RAMADAN TV SERIES كيف ترى مسلسلات رمضان التلفزيونية Thanks to BISHA we now can watch Ramadan TV Series in KODI Please watch entire video. Dont forget to Thumbs UP […]


Cosmix new repo url

COSMIX cosmix is probably the new great live iptv for free iptv/live tv The addon has gotton so populat that it now utulises two repos to download it just in case. The new repo I […]


Husham Wizard Updated ( KODI 16 only )

Husham Wizard Updated ( KODI 16 only ) Updated the Husham Wizard with updated latest addons and repos Removed bad addons such as the Israil repo that was causing many issues Reduced the download size so […]