UK KODI MUST SHUTDOWN do not use KODI Devices, they are Illicit Streaming devices or ISD

UK KODI MUST SHUTDOWN do not use KODI Devices, They are Illicit Streaming devices or ISD


KODI users have now got new things to worry about because of the new move from UK Government, The UK Government have officially declared KODI devices as an Illicit streaming Devices, They included Amazon Firesticks and so-called ‘Kodi’ boxes or Android TV boxes.

According to the UK Government, the ISD's are legal when used to watch legitimate, free to air, content. However, they become illegal once they are adapted to stream illicit content, for example, TV programmes, films and subscription sports channels without paying the appropriate subscriptions.


KODI box can be Illicit streaming device in the UK if they come fully loaded

Illicit streaming devices are physical boxes that are connected to your TV or USB sticks that plug into the TV such as adapted Amazon Fire sticks and so called ‘Kodi’ boxes or Android TV boxes. 

Illicit Streaming devices are now going to be the new word or the tactics that the government going to us. This news comes after the UK Government is working with the US Government with multi corporations to streamline the new laws regards streaming piracy.

Illicit streaming can also be facilitated by using certain apps on smartphones and tablets.


Fully loaded boxes are the real target and the surprise was that they included Amazon And USB into it but NOT PC.


IPO has issued guidelines for Illicit streaming devices or ISD's to the public including calling out. They included amazon firestick and USB devices as part of the ISD's

UK Governments published guidelines and information below for everyone to read on the Government Website.

1. What is “illicit streaming” and what devices are commonly used?

Illicit streaming is the watching of content without the copyright owner’s permission by any means, not just via hardware devices. This could be using a smart TV, laptop or mobile phone.

Illicit streaming devices are physical boxes that are connected to your TV or USB sticks that plug into the TV such as adapted Amazon Fire sticks and so called ‘Kodi’ boxes or Android TV boxes.

These devices are legal when used to watch legitimate, free to air, content. They become illegal once they are adapted to stream illicit content, for example TV programmes, films and subscription sports channels without paying the appropriate subscriptions.

Adapting a streaming device to view illicit content usually requires loading of software add-ons or extensions. Illicit streaming can also be facilitated by using certain apps on smartphones and tablets.

2. How do you identify an illicit streaming device?

If you are watching television programmes, films or sporting events where you would normally be paying to view them and you have not paid, you are likely to be using an illicit streaming device (ISD) or app. This could include a film recently released in the cinema, a sporting event that is being broadcast by BT Sport or a television programme, like Game of Thrones, that is only available on Sky.

These devices are often purchased online and described as ‘Fully Loaded, Jail Broken, Plug and Play or Subscription Gift’. They are described using these terms to show that they have been adapted and are functioning as an illicit streaming device.

In some cases consumers buy devices and subsequently add the software, this also makes it an illicit streaming device.

3. Why you should not buy these devices

These devices often lack parental controls. Using them could expose children or young people to explicit or age inappropriate content.

Another important reason for consumers to avoid purchasing these streaming devices is from an electrical safety point of view. Where devices and their power cables have been tested, some have failed EU safety standards and have the potential to present a real danger to the public, causing a fire in your home or premises.

The creative industries in the UK is a very important sector. It provides employment for more than 1.9 million people and contributes £84.1 billion to our economy. Using illicit streaming devices is illegal. If you are not paying for this content you are depriving industry of the revenue it needs to fund the next generation of TV programmes, films and sporting events we all enjoy. Instead it provides funds for the organised criminals who sell or adapt these illicit devices.

4. What should you do if you already have an ISD?

These devices can be used legally by removing the software. If you are unsure get advice to help you use the device legally. If you wish to watch content that’s only available via subscription, such as sports, you should approach the relevant provider to find out about legal ways to watch.

5. Where can you report sellers of ISDs?

If you see these devices being offered for sale, tell Crimestoppers exactly what you know and they will pass this on to the appropriate organisation for investigation. All information can be given anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.


Are the users going to be affected by all this?

As per above the normal user is been advised if he gets an ISD sent to him or sold him, to report it immediately.


Users will be worried if they should use their device now or not. The IPO might involve some extra tracking methods to find out who is using the Illicit streaming devices






I am in the USA so this won't affect me? Well according to Torrent Freak, these new rules are coming from USA Corporation working together with the UK Corporation so This will affect both countries and areas, this new ruling from the UK is a small step to make Fully loaded boxes be stopped in selling and using in the UK and USA.


USA users might be affected by this news as well as the whole attack from the IPO came after UK and USA film industries have filed actions against fully loaded box's



Users are advised to get a VPN and Hide from getting leaving tracks to get implicated with these new ruling.