Users Running Windows or MAC always watch some exciting applications on an APK and wish they had an Android box or Android phone just to use the APK.
APKs such as Terrarium TV, Morph TV, Cinema APK, or TV ZION to watch free movies from the web with a single click makes it all worth while to getting android devices.
Users can not need to slow down looking for Android Devices and get them self an APK Emulators to run on their Winodws or MAC.
APK Emulators or otherwise known as Android Emulators use to be hard to install and configure. useing the emulators inside your windows or mac use to be a small screen of phone looking at your apk running as if it was something you stolen and using it in a cave man storage room based in his cave and under a rock.
Of-course times has changed for the APK Emulators, we now have two popular APK emulators that will rock your APK World.
APK Emulators
APK Emulators or Android Emulators are now many of them but the best ones are two to use that are well used and configuered but do have pros and cons on them
NOX APK Emulator
NOX Emulator is a very nice emaultor, can be installed in Windows or MAC, Has the option to install several emulators in your Computer each one with a different Android Version.
- East install from their website
- Has Android 7 to be installed
- Works on Mac and Windows 10
- Install Default Android 4.11 and will need to use the Multi instance manager to install different Android Version like 5.11 or Android 7
- Android 7 is still in Beta
- Installs games automatically and you constantly uninstall them
Install NOX Version and run NOX Emulator 5.11 from the drive instance
4 out of 5 Stars
BlueStacks APK Emulator
Bluestacks is one of the oldest apk emulators, through constatnt updating it managed to dig it way out of the whole of its old versions that use to make it a prehistoric monster of an emulator.
Now has more stable function operating system, better and faster APK Emulators system.
Bluestacks team claim that they run the emulator faster the Samsung Galaxy S9+ and when you Run Bluestacks on a windows machines, it will feel you are running another windows 10 in a lighting speed.
- Run almost all your android apps.
- It allows you to run Android Apps over full Screen.
- Works on MAC and Windows 10
- System get slow or stuck if u have less ram configured.
- Some errors cause route issues with controls in some applications
Configure Bluestack to use as much memory that is avaliable as it tend to crash others applications if it doesnt have enough memory avaliable.
4 out of 5 Stars