Vote For Smart IPTV put back in Samsung TV

Smart IPTV for Samsung TV updated

Smart IPTV for Samsung TV updated I have just released a new version of the Samsung Smart TV software to install the Smart IPTV app and you will need to install it if you have […]

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See What Samsung TV model I have?

What do Samsung TV model numbers actually mean? Why are they so long? Samsung TV comes with complicated model numbers and each seems to represent the tv and the information about the software as well. […]

Warning Samsung Removes SS-IPTV - DO NOT REST The TV ssiptv

Samsung Removes SS-IPTV – DO NOT REST The TV

Samsung Removes SS-IPTV – DO NOT REST The TV Samsung smart TVs are basically amazing TVs if they would remain SMART. Most of the time Smart functionality refer to the IPTV function. Samsung started removing […]